
Prevention that Works

School is one of the key environments to discuss with young people the impact of substance use, and deliver evidenced prevention interventions . It is vital that the messages that are passed on to young people are appropriate and delivered...

European Prevention Curriculum

This week the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has released the European Prevention Curriculum - a handbook designed for decision, opinion and policy makers in science-based prevention of substance use. The...

SPYM Newsletter

The Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses has produced its latest newsletter! The newsletter highlights the new relationship with SPYM and ISSUP through the establishment of the ISSUP India National Chapter. There is a report of the...

Alcohol Interventions in Secondary and Further Education

Alcohol use during the teenage years is related to a wide range of health and social problems. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has developed new guidelines to help schools and colleges when teaching their pupils about...