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Введение карантинных мер в Бухарской области Республики Узбекистан крайне затруднило оказание услуг по лечению наркозависимости населению региона. Это отрицательно сказалось на качестве жизни людей с расстройствами, вызванными потреблением...
В сегодняшних условиях пандемии COVID-19 и вынужденных карантинных мер, принимаемых правительством Республики Казахстан, психологическая поддержка и помощь, самообразование в вопросах управления стрессом, а также поддерживающее общение друг...
Introduction of the quarantine measures in Bukhara Region, Uzbekistan made it extremely difficult to provide drug dependence treatment services to the population of the region. This negatively affected the quality of life of people with...
In today’s conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and necessary quarantine measures taken by the Government of Kazakhstan psychosocial support and assistance, as well as self-education of stress management, supportive communication with each...
The discovery of a large seizure of fentanyl in Myanmar indicates that the country may be a new transit route for the powerful synthetic opioid, fentanyl.
UNODC’s Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) presented on the Global Experience by UNODC, during the International Society of Addiction medicine (ISAM) Practice and Policy Interest Group Webinar Series on COVID-19 and SUD...
As part of efforts to professionalize the treatment and care of drug use disorders and the dissemination of effective evidence-based interventions, 18 out of 23 treatment professionals successfully passed the accreditation examination (78%...
To promote evidence-based interventions in the treatment of drug use disorders, UNODC PTRS supported the latest training session on admission, screening, evaluation, treatment planning and documentation for addiction professionals, with the...