GCCC Website Launch

Event Date

GCCC is excited  to officially launch its website on live broadcast through Facebook Live on 

Màster en Addiccions- Universitat de les Illes Balears

Universitat de les Illes Balears Les addicions esdevenen un greu problema social que requereix una resposta en l'àmbit formatiu i especialitzat. Amb aquest màster canalitzam els fruits de la investigació científica entorn del camp de les...

Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Coordinators Series

The UPC Coordinators Series provides a 288-hour training programme for prevention coordinators, managers, and students/trainees whose role includes, or will include coordination and supervision of the implementation of prevention...

Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Series for Implementers

UPC Implementers Series is written for implementers or practitioners who work with families, in schools, the workplace, and the community. The aim of the series is to provide knowledge about prevention science and its application to the...