vulnerable populations

Lessons from Safeguarding Adult Reviews

Event Date

The webinar will be presented by Professor Michael Preston-Shoot.

Over the last few months, Michael, has been undertaking a review of more than 200 Safeguarding Adult Reviews published over the last few years.

Counselling Emerging Adults With Substance Use Disorders

Event Date

Substance use developmentally peaks during emerging adulthood (ages 18-25). Many emerging adults who develop problematic substance use during this developmental period have been exposed to environmental, individual, and interpersonal stressors throughout the life that places them at risk for ongoing difficulties with substance use as they transition to adulthood.

Invitation to Conduct Research

The Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Drug and Alcohol Task Force, in conjunction with Southside Partnership and Dublin Rathdown Community Addiction Team, invites submissions from suitably qualified parties to conduct a research project to commence...