ISSUP Botswana Launch
Submitted by Olivia Woodrow

ISSUP Botswana would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Launch Event.
Time: 8AM UK | 9AM Botswana
This event will be held in person and streamed online on the ISSUP Botswana Facebook Page for individuals to attend virtually.
- Prayer
- Welcome Remarks - ISSUP Representative
- Introductions - MOHW
- ISSUP Global - Joanna Travis-Roberts, Chief Executive
- Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) - Bill McGlynn
- ISSUP Botswana - Dr. Morekwe Selemogwe-Matsetse, Chairperson
- Keynote Address - Honourable Dr Edwin Dikoloti, Minister of Health, Botswana
- ISSUP NC Welcome Videos
- Closing Remarks - Phenyo Sebonego
- Prayer