Drug abuse is increasing in educational institutions across Pakistan. Students, whether be at schools, colleges or universities, are getting addicted to substances at an alarming rate, threatening not only their own future but those of people around them, including family and friends. Drugs and substance abuse causes great harm to the physical and mental health of youngsters, and for this purpose, ISSUP Pakistan and Pak Youth Council in collaboration with Youth Forum Pakistan and Anti-Narcotics Force Punjab have been started a Chain of awareness and Prevention programs about Substance Use Prevention at Lahore and across Pakistan. Dr. Ali Sabri and some professionals including psychologists and academics designed lectures for Secondary and Higher Secondary Students to educate them about substance use and taught them a technique to say “NO”.
During the event, more than 40 students and teachers including Mrs. Madiha Gilani, Mrs Nusrat Maqsood and Principle Mrs. Safia Noreen attended the session and appreciated the organizers to choose their institute and to conduct more programs in the future.