Following our successful elections on 27th August 2022, we have witnessed the inauguration of the incoming Executive Committee for ISSUP Kenya. They were led by the incoming President ISSUP Kenya Dr. Pamela Kaithuru, incoming Deputy President Catherine Muthiani (Kate Ciro), continuing Honorary Secretary Dr. Jaqueline Anundo (Jackie Anundo), incoming Treasurer Lambert Oigara, incoming chair of the Training, Education and Credentialing sub-committee Grace Wanjiku, incoming Hon. Assistant Secretary Anne Mumbi Waigwa, continuing Assistant Treasurer Frank Laurence, and incoming chair Community Outreach sub-committee Shirow Mercy. Not in picture, continuing chair PR/Media sub-committee Albert Muya Muraya, and Ethics & Discipline Committee sub-committee chair Catherine Mwati
We convey every success and warm regards to the new team and pray and trust that they will take our society chapter to even greater heights.
A very warm and heartfelt farewell to the outgoing committee members led by former President Evans Oloo, Deputy President Susan Gitau, former treasurer Susan Ruturi (Susan Rutts), committee members Beatrice Kathungu, Fatma Musau, Job Kithinji Maina, Matilda Mghoi, and outgoing trustee Dr Richard Gakunju. You set a very high bar for the new team to emulate, ahsante.