Mobilizing community resources in preventive measures: Issues, challenges and the way forward

ISSUP Malaysia would like to invite you to their upcoming webinar on Mobilizing community resources in preventive measures: Issues, challenges and the way forward.
Time: 5PM Malaysia Time | 9AM UK Time | 10AM Czech Republic Time | 12PM Kenya Time
Register for the Webinar
The webinar is to inform and raise awareness on critical issues in the community that may become challenges to implementing preventive measures in substance use as well as finding solutions to address the challenges. This is a part of knowledge sharing that could enhance our practice in communities. Learning from others from across the globe gives a wider perspective and deepen understanding of the issues and challenges we face in implementing prevention interventions in communities.
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants have a better understanding and perception of their own issues and challenges and learn from others how to move forward to address their concerns.
- Participants have the opportunity to try something different or adapt what works as a way forward in addressing their concerns.
Prof. Michal Miovsky
Prof. Clinical Psychology, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Head of Dept of Addictology and Team Lead in Addiction Study Programs at Charles University in Prague. President, ICUDDR. President, International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE). Deputy Editor in Chief in Journal of Adiktologie Member of the Editorial Board in Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery and other journals
Dr. Richard Gakunju
Public Health Specialist, NADAAC and Kenya Certified Addiction Professional. Chairperson of the Kenya Certification Council for Addiction Professionals (NACADA). 12 years experience in addiction management and treatment. Dr. Gakunju has made immense contribution in the development of national standards in addiction treatment, national treatment protocols for persons with SUDs, national workplace policy and certification criteria for addiction professionals. Global DDR Trainer for both prevention and treatment curriculum.
Cindy Biding
Registered Counselor, Treatment Specialist and Global DDR Trainer in Treatment. President ISSUP Malaysia. Founding President, Organization for Addiction Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation (OAPTAR). Cindy has more than 10 years of experience in the DDR field and her work covers both the urban and rural settings, mainly in treatment. More recently, she has developed a school based prevention program that is being used as a pilot project for primary schools in the Malaysia.
Dato Zainuddin Bahari
He is a Global DDR trainer in UTC. Dato Zainuddin was former Head of the National Anti Narcotics Agency, Malaysia. He has 15 years experience working in the DDR field and he was among the pioneer trainers for UTC.
Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.