Workforce Wellbeing in Crisis Response - Learning from an NHS service following the Grenfell Tower Fire 2017

ISSUP UK would like to invite you to attend the upcoming Webinar on Workforce Wellbeing in Crisis Response.
Time: 2PM UK Time
Register for the Webinar
The Grenfell Tower Fire took place in London in June 2017. This presentation considers the impact of the disaster on individuals directly affected as well as those working with the survivors of this tragedy. The presentation focuses on the trauma-related support provided to those affected, considers some of the occupational hazards associated with disaster response work and introduces some of the service level interventions aimed at supporting workforce wellbeing for those working with the affected population.
Learning Objectives:
- To understand the occupational hazards encountered by helping professionals working in crisis/disaster response
- Explore the ripple effect of those affected by crisis/disaster.
- To identify the wellbeing needs relevant to workers involved in a crisis response.
- Share practice examples of service level interventions aimed at promoting workforce wellbeing and generate further examples of potentially supportive interventions.
Dr. Jai Shree Adhyaru,
Consultant Psychologist & Service Manager
(Currently supporting the Afghan Evacuee Response)
Centre for Anxiety, Stress & Trauma
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.