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Partner Organisation
World Drug Report
UNODC world drug reports

The Presentations on the World Drug Report 2020 to the Civil Society Organizations in Russian

On 29 July 2020, UNODC Civil Society Team and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC), in collaboration with UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (UNODC ROCA), jointly organized a web seminar on the World Drug Report 2020 for Central Asia. Dr. Borikhan Shaumarov, UNODC Mentor, UNODC ROCA assisted preparation of this webinar and presentation in Russian.  

The webinar was opened with remarks from Ms. Baktygul Sarybaeva, the representative of VNGOC and Ms. Viktorja Nesterovaite, the representative of UNODC Civil Society Team.  

Mr. Mirzahid Sultanov, UNODC ROCA presented overview of the World Drug Report 2020 in Russian, consisted of relevant drug topics including: Impact of COVID-19, Policy implication from the executive summary; Drug use and health consequences; Drug supply; Cross-cutting issues: evolving trends and new challenges; Socio-economic characteristics and drug use disorders and other drug policy issues and so forth.

Moreover, Mr. Gleb Paykachev, the representative of the Russian Drug Users Forum and Mr. Nikita Luzhkov, the representative of the Russian Anti-Narcotic Union briefed how the Civil Society could work with the data from the World Drug Report 2020.  

More than 50 representatives of the Civil Society Organizations and NGOs from Russia and neighboring NIS countries working with People Who Use Drugs were attending at the webinar.