Some effective tactics for preventing drug use

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Portuguese, Brazil

issup brasil
Poder Público

Some effective tactics for preventing drug use

National and international drug prevention networks, community leaders and strong community coalitions are the key to changing public attitudes and reducing the availability of illicit drugs worldwide. Some effective tactics include promoting drug demand reduction principles and raising awareness of the social consequences of drug abuse and addiction. Below you will learn about many other strategies that have been implemented and have successfully reduced drug use from a global perspective to the site.

How can we prevent drug use around the world?

- We need to make people aware that drug use is not normal and is not part of their ripening process.

- We can increase funding for prevention and education efforts to raise awareness of the dangers of drugs at all school levels - from elementary school to higher education.

- We must work to keep our laws strict against the use of marijuana and other drugs at the federal and state levels to ensure that more people do not fall into addiction.

- The establishment and funding of courts for drug addicts - the only chance some have of getting the help they need - should be supported to help dependents.

- We need to seriously consider how implementing drug testing can help identify those who need treatment in the workplace and in schools.

How can we help prevent drug use in our communities?

- We need to ensure that drug prevention includes schools, workplaces, community centers, places of worship, and families that come together to communicate a healthy abstinence-based lifestyle.

- Youth should be an essential part of prevention efforts.

- The treatment that leads to the elimination of drug use allows the addict to know that we have not given up on his life; as a community, we care enough to help them achieve their goals.

- Communities should work together to increase activities that are an alternative to drug use, especially for our young people.

How can we help our schools be drug-free?

- Drug education curricula should present a clear and unused message.

- School administration, parent groups and student organizations should consistently support healthy, drug-free lifestyles and reject "safe" or "responsible" use messages.

- The random drug test with students gives students an easy way out of pressure from colleagues and an indisputable reason to say no.

- The school community should encourage positive reinforcement for good choices and support the consequences for inappropriate behaviour.

- School administrators should promote an open dialogue and listen to concerns about drug use in their schools.

- Drug or alcohol abuse is not a rite of passage or inevitable; in fact, most students don't do drugs.

What are some proven ways for parents to help prevent drug use?

- Talk to your kids - start the conversation about not using drugs, use current events as examples, be honest about your story to encourage your confidence, come up with a plan on how to rescue your child from a risky situation, establish ground rules for expected behavior, and enforce these rules consistently.

- Make family dinners - children who eat with the family less than 3 times a week are 2 1/2 times more likely to use tobacco and marijuana.

- Monitor your teen's activities and internet use - prescription drugs are easily obtained without a prescription over the web and have proven to lead to the use of illegal drugs.

- Be an example - children do what they see.

- Be active in your house of worship - a teenager who is religiously involved is half as likely to use marijuana as a teenager who is not.

- Recognize your role as the most influential factor in your child's life and face the challenge.

- Educate yourself about the most commonly used drugs and their effects.
