Scientific article
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Schootman, M., Deshpande, A. D., Lynskey, M., Pruitt, S. L., Lian, M., & Jeffe, D. B. (2013). Alcohol outlet availability and excessive alcohol consumption in breast cancer survivors. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 4(1), 50–58.
Original Language


United States
community health
hazardous drinking
lifestyle change
Primary Care

Alcohol Outlet Availability and Excessive Alcohol Consumption in Breast Cancer Survivors



Breast cancer survivors who consume alcohol excessively are at increased risk of recurrence and have worse prognosis. Because the environments in which people live shape many health behaviors, there has been increased attention to how neighborhood environments (eg, alcohol outlet availability) may influence alcohol consumption. The authors hypothesized that proximity to alcohol outlets increases the likelihood of excessive consumption (ie, more than 1 drink/day) among breast cancer survivors independent of their personal or neighborhood characteristics.


With the Missouri Cancer Registry, the authors conducted a cross-sectional study of 1047 female breast cancer survivors (aged 27-96 years) 1 year after diagnosis. Using telephone interviews, the authors obtained data regarding survivors’ alcohol consumption during the past 30 days and several covariates of alcohol use. They also obtained street addresses of all licensed alcohol outlets in Missouri and calculated the road network distance between a participant’s address of residence and the nearest alcohol outlet, using a geographic information system. Logistic regression was used to determine if distance was independently associated with excessive alcohol consumption.


Eighteen percent of participants reported consuming more than 1 drink on average per day. Women who lived within 3 miles of the nearest outlet were more likely to report excessive alcohol consumption (odds ratio: 2.09; 95% confidence interval: 1.08, 4.05) than women who lived at least 3 miles from the nearest outlet in adjusted analysis.


Opportunities exist to reduce excessive alcohol use among breast cancer survivors through policy (eg, restricting number of alcohol outlets) and behavioral (eg, counseling) interventions.

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