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line Up Live Up

Line Up Live Up-the UNODC life skills evidence-informed training programme-TOT Training Uganda 23-26 Feb 2021

Line Up Live Up  is a UNODC life skills evidence-informed training programme – that target individual risk factors can use sport to achieve positive skills formation and promote social development of a young person

The Line Up Live Up training curriculum is aimed at developing life skills through sports, Sport is a potent vehicle for the promotion of positive role models and constructive behaviour change. thus contributing to risks mitigation and protective factors formation. Targeting individual level, the training curriculum helps to reduce the risks of crime, violence and drug use through accumulation of protective factors such as knowledge, positive attitudes and life skills development.

Line Up Live Up is oriented at providing personal development opportunities and promoting life skills formation. Life skills allow individuals to deal with various situations, including pressures, stress and demands.

Life skills development is essential for increasing protective individual factors, as well as young people ability to interact with each other, develop positive relationships and efficiently cope with negative emotions and stressful situations.

Group photo of the participants who attended the TOT at Shimoni core Primary teachers college

The training was conducted from 23rd-26th Febuary 2021 at Shimoni core Primary Teacher College and was attended by 47 participants from Teacher training colleges, Universities, local community coaches and community based organisations and was graced by the commisioner- Physical Education and sports-Ministry of Education and Sports Mr.Omara Peter and Representative from UNODC Uganda Office Ms Sharon Nyambe and the Executive director Uganda Youth development Link.
