Call for Applications Promoting Access to the 64th CND Online

Deadline for Applications: 28th March at 23.45 CET

From 12-16 April 2021, for the first time ever, the main session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs – including its Plenary, Committee of the Whole, side events, etc – will be accessed online for the vast majority of participants, including NGOs. As outlined in a recent VNGOC statement (, it is crucial that civil society participation remains high and meaningful – and the move to an online platform should, if anything, open up the doors for more NGOs around the world to engage this year.

With this in mind, the VNGOC Board welcomes proposals from current members seeking to ensure and expand local engagement with the Commission’s meetings. While we remain open-minded about what form these proposals take – examples may include:

  • Locally hosted ‘watch parties’ where partners can come together, interact and participate in the CND events during the week (while fully respecting all relevant COVID-19 rules and restrictions).
  • NGOs who are able to forward small amounts to local partners to support their internet access during the CND week.
  • Public screenings of selected CND meetings, including possible local translation.

Eligible applicants must be:

  • VNGOC members in good standing
  • Based in low- and middle-income countries on the OECD DAC List of ODA Recipients 
  • Willing to support a wide and balanced range of local partners – including NGOs working across different sectors and delivering a variety of services related to the world drug situation
  • Able to invoice for, receive and efficiently manage, funding from overseas

To apply, please complete this online form before 23:45 CET on 28th March 2021.