Global Programme of Action to Overcome Mental Health Gaps (mhGAP) in Chile: Learning and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean

Scientific article
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Sapag JC, Álvarez Huenchulaf C, Campos A, Corona F, Pereira M, Véliz V, et al. Programa de Acción Mundial para Superar las Brechas en Salud Mental (mhGAP) en Chile: aprendizajes y desafíos para América Latina y el Caribe. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2021;45:e32.
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Global Programme of Action to Overcome Mental Health Gaps (mhGAP) in Chile: Learning and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean


Sapag JC, Alvarez Huenchulaf C, Campos A, Corona F, Pereira M, Véliz V, et al. Global Programme of Action to Overcome Mental Health Gaps (mhGAP) in Chile: apprenticeships and challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean. Rev Panam Public Health. 2021;45:e32.


Targets. Present the methodology for comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the Global Programme of Action to Overcome Mental Health Gaps (mhGAP) in Chile and present its results.

Methods. Cross-sectional evaluative study based on a survey of key program benchmarks, deployed in the country's 29 public health services, and individual interviews and focus groups with key players and experts. The focus of the evaluation was on the relevance and impact of mhGAP on the provision of mental health services and on the implementation of the program.

Results. Participants positively evaluated the progressive implementation of mhGAP in Chile, in particular: 1) said they had better tools for detecting, diagnosing and treating common disorders, and efficient referral strategies; (2) rated all modules as important; the most relevant were self-harm/suicide (x ̄ x 4.77) and mental and behavioral disorders of the child and adolescent (x ̄ x 4.58); (3) favourably assessed the National Conferences and their rebuttals and their contribution to the success of the implementation of the mhGAP; (4) agreed on the need to incorporate new actors, strengthen some aspects and expand information on the programme.

Conclusions. The implementation of mhGAP in Chile is an emblematic case of learning, supported by the development of community mental health and family health, among other factors. This opens up a unique opportunity to continue to advance the implementation of this program in the country and to transmit this experience to other contexts in Latin America and the Caribbean.