What PAHO Does The Project for the Development and Implementation of a Proposal for the "Comprehensive Approach to Concurrency Between Substance Use Disorders and Other Mental and Behavioral Disorders, in Latin American countries"

What PAHO Does The Project for the Development and Implementation of a Proposal for the "Comprehensive Approach to Concurrency Between Substance Use Disorders and Other Mental and Behavioral Disorders, in Latin American countries"

What PAHO does

The project for the development and implementation of a proposal for the "Comprehensive Approach to Concurrency Between Substance Use Disorders and Other Mental and Behavioral Disorders, in Latin American countries", it is part of the agreements developed on public health, between the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), the Government of Spain and the National Institute of Psychiatry (WHO Collaborating Center), to strengthen the public health approach in addressing problems related to the use of substances, in the countries of the Americas. In order to technically support this project, a working group (Task Force), composed of Spanish and Region of the Americas experts, will be formed, under the coordination of PAHO/WHO, with the support of the National Institute of Psychiatry "Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz", WHO Collaborating Centre in Mexico and the Government Delegation for the Spanish National Drug Plan (DGPNSDE), through the Spanish Society of Dual Pathology (SEPD).