Call for Papers: International Responses to Prevention Intervention Research during Human Ecosystems Disruptions

The journal Prevention Science invites manuscripts for a special issue on “International Responses to Prevention Intervention Research during Human Ecosystem Disruptions”.

In this special issue of Prevention Science, SPR welcome manuscripts that advance prevention science as it links contextual and epidemiological data to improve responses to HED. Also, this call of papers seeks to provide insights into best practices for approaching future pandemics, natural disasters, and socio/economic crises affecting populations’ health. The ultimate goal of this special issue is the improvement of health and well-being globally through swift and scientifically based responses during HED events. International collaborations have the potential to advance our understanding of the conduct and outcomes of prevention intervention research during pandemics, natural disasters and socio/economic crises. 

Authors interested in contributing a manuscript for this special issue are asked to submit a letter of intent by June 1, 2021, that includes the following: (1) tentative title; (2) brief description of 500 words or less; (3) brief justification of how the proposed submission contributes to the aim of the special issue; (4) author affiliations and contact information for the corresponding author.