Becky Vaughn opens Vth Batch of UTC course by Ecolink Institute

Ecolink opens its Vth International Batch on UTC training

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Becky Vaughn, Director of the Global Center for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC), US inaugurated the Vth Batch of the Universal Treatment Curriculum on 29 June 2021 under the aegis of Ecolink Institute, India.

Over 30 students from 13 countries including India, Bengladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, United Kingdom, South Africa, Kenya, Botswana and Gautimala are attending the six months UTC course.

Becky Vaughn who opened the training said the Drug Use Disorder in the world is on increase every year and there is a huge demand for UTC trained and Certified addiction professionals. Quoting from the recent World Drug Report by UNODC, she said there are over 275 million drug users around the globe, of whom more than 36 million are having SUD.

She explained the steps involved in applying and receiving international credential as certified addiction professional from GCCC.

Dr. Thirumagal, the main trainer of the Ecolink UTC course said addiction is a disease and treatment works, provided the treatment providers are properly trained to carry out this task.

Ramya from Hyderabad, India and Grant Sanders from Hongkong who belonged to second and third batches of the Ecolink welcomed the students and shared their experience with the course.

Dr. Thomas Scaria, the Director of the Institute thanked the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Program, INL, US Department of State, ISSUP and the GCCC for being training partners with the Institute and extending full support to the program.

Dr. Damber Nirola, one of the global trainers said the UTC training offered by the Ecolink is reaching far and wide and it is a blessing for addiction professionals during this pandemic situations.

Participants introduced each other and attended an orientation program thereafter. The course will continue through Tuesday and Thursday at 6 PM.