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UNODC Supports the Launch of ISSUP Indonesia Chapter

Opening ISSUP INA Launch

Indonesia has been promoting science-based and ethical services to improve the health, well-being and recovery of affected individuals with drug use disorders and increase public safety to all drug use disorders treatment providers both at governmental and non-governmental level. The establishment of ISSUP Indonesia chapter is one of the strategies to provide all  professionals working in the field of drug demand reduction (DDR) a networking forum to strengthen the collaboration of all professionals with many different backgrounds in Indonesia and improve the quality of DDR services.

Since April 2021, a series of webinars were organized to be part leading to the official launch. Finally, on November 28th, 2021, the official launch of ISSUP Indonesia chapter was held with the support from the Government of Indonesia, civil society organizations, academia and other international organisations. International and national speakers were invited to share informative presentations related to the selected theme, “Integrating Treatment into the Criminal Justice System”.

Dr. Diah Setia Utami as the Chairperson of ISSUP Indonesia Chapter provided the opening remarks and followed with the opening speech from Mr. Collie Brown, UNODC Country Manager Office for Indonesia. In his speech, Mr. Brown emphasised the support from UNODC Office for Indonesia on the launch. The value of such network for professionals working in the field in Indonesia has been highlighted, together with the importance of promoting evidence based and ethical services for substance use prevention and treatment to improve the Drug Demand Reduction strategy in Indonesia. The Opening has been concluded by Mr. William McGlynn, INL Enforcement Affairs Section, US Department of State underline the support of ISSUP and officially welcoming Indonesia to be part of the network.

The session continued with the presentation from Ms. Riza Sarasvita, PhD, Deputy of Rehabilitation, National Narcotics Board on “Rehabilitation for Individuals with Drug Use Disorders in contact with the Criminal Justice System from the Restorative Justice Perspective” followed by a joined presentation from Prof. Roger Peters, Professor Department of Mental Health Law and Policy, University of South Florida and Ms. Melody Heaps, President TASC INC, President MMH, Associates Chair ISSUP on “Treatment as Alternatives to Incarceration for Persons with Substance Use Disorders”.

Presentations continued with former Head of BNN’s,  Dr. Anang Iskandar’s overview on “Rehabilitation for Individuals with Drug Use Disorders in-contact with the Criminal Justice System in the views of Narcotics Law No. 35”. The next speaker was Mr. Darmawel Aswar, Director of Narcotics and Addictive Substance Offence of Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia, who presented on the “Narcotics and Addictive Substance Offence in views of Restorative Justice”. And The last speaker was Mr. I. Ketut Arsa, Intermediate Policy Analyst of the Directorate on Narcotics Offence, who presented on “Restorative Justice in views of National Police of the Republic of Indonesia”.

The ceremonial launch was concluded with a summary from the moderator. All participants and speakers who attended were looking forward to ISSUP Indonesia’s next event.