Scientific article
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Eeckhout T, Gerits M, Bouquillon D, et al Video training with peer feedback in real-time consultation: acceptability and feasibility in a general-practice setting Postgraduate Medical Journal 2016;92:431-435.
Original Language


Video training
peer feedback
General Practice setting

Video Training with Peer Feedback in Real-Time Consultation: Acceptability and Feasibility in a General-Practice Setting


Objective: Since many years, teaching and training in communication skills are cornerstones in the medical education curriculum. Although video recording in a real-time consultation is expected to positively contribute to the learning process, research on this topic is scarce. This study will focus on the feasibility and acceptability of video recording during real-time patient encounters performed by general practitioner (GP) trainees.

Method: The primary research question addressed the experiences (defined as feasibility and acceptability) of GP trainees in video-recorded vocational training in a general practice. The second research question addressed the appraisal of this training. The procedure of video-recorded training is developed, refined and validated by the Academic Teaching Practice of Leuven since 1974 (Faculty of Medicine of the University of Leuven). The study is set up as a cross-sectional survey without follow-up. Outcome measures were defined as ‘feasibility and acceptability’ (experiences of trainees) of the video-recorded training and were approached by a structured questionnaire with the opportunity to add free text comments. The studied sample consisted of all first-phase trainees of the GP Master 2011–2012 at the University of Leuven.

Results: Almost 70% of the trainees were positive about recording consultations. Nevertheless, over 60% believed that patients felt uncomfortable during the video-recorded encounter. Almost 90% noticed an improvement of own communication skills through the observation and evaluation of. Most students (85%) experienced the logistical issues as major barrier to perform video consultations on a regular base.

Conclusions: This study lays the foundation stone for further exploration of the video training in real-time consultations. Both students and teachers on the field acknowledge that the power of imaging is underestimated in the training of communication and vocational skills. The development of supportive material and protocols will lower thresholds.

Practice implications: Time investment for teachers could be tempered by bringing up students to peer tutors and by an accurate scheduling of the video training. The development of supportive material and protocols will lower thresholds. Further research should finally focus on long-term efficacy and efficiency in terms of learning outcomes and on the facilitation of the technical process.