Nansana Division Coalition Against Drugs had the chance to visit one of the Health Centers in the Division called Nabweru Health Centre III and was able to interact with the in Charge Doctor and other medical workers on drug challenges and their counter measures.

The medical in charge Nabweru Health Center III Dr. Hussein Mwanje has urged Ugandans to desist from consuming drugs like marijuana as they put their health at Risk and that he experienced an increment of drug consumption during Covid- 19.

When youths consume these drugs they damage their brain and the internal organs.

Dr. Mwanje who was welcoming a team from Nansana Division coalition against drugs said that it's indeed absurd to see the young generation especially in the areas of Nansana spoiling their future and health while consuming unpredictable drugs with false assurance of being energized or get "high" which often shorten their life span.

He adds that most people especially men think that frequent consumption of drugs boasts their sexual ability not knowing that such drugs have caused about erectile dysfunction hence calling upon men to always consult physicians for proper guidance.

He urged the Coalition members to create more social activities and community interactions to continue providing information and sensitise them about the dangers of drugs even those pharmaceuticals drugs which are misused.

The chairman of this coalition Hamza Zziwa showed grief over youngsters who have adopted this vice hence involving in acts of illegality.


Zziwa says that over 78% of crime rate in Nansana is attributed to drug abuse where cases of rape, defilement, theft etc are rampant.

He called upon the administration of the health center to devise means of working together to reach out to the public to sensitize them about the dangers of drug abuse and alcohol consumption.

The public calls upon stakeholders to strengthen the fight against such drugs as it passively and actively affect the individual as well as the society they dwell in.


 By Nakintu Grace

Nansana Division Coalition Against Drugs Uganda.