Scientific article
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Starlings Community
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#opioids #incarceration #childrensrights #youthmentalhealth #prevention

The Consequences of the Stress and Stigma of a Parent's Substance Use Disorder

The devastating consequences of stigma on youth:

In February, Starling's Community released a first-of-its-kind report highlighting the deeply rooted ways stigma harms children exposed to the stress of a parent's unaddressed trauma and subsequent substance use disorder.

Key themes:

  • substance use disorder is known to be rooted in the social determinants of health, particularly experiences of trauma
  • children exposed to a parent's unaddressed trauma and subsequent substance use disorder are double to triple the risk for mental illness, suicide, and addiction
  • no proactively available supports currently exist for youth and stigma continues to marginalize families.

Read the full report below here:


To learn more or collaborate, email Starlings founder agneschen [at] starlings [dot] caFront page: Stigma's consequences on youth