ISSUP Staff Team June Meeting

The ISSUP staff team met in June to discuss the coming months and updates to the website. The ISSUP team work remotely in various different locations internationally so it is great to come together face to face to work on big developments or nuanced tasks. 

The way in which ISSUP is growing was a focus point - we are seeing our membership newsletter subscribers growing and growing which is fantastic to see! We are also moving forward with the development of National Chapters of ISSUP with ISSUP India now formally established as a National Chapter

Also discussed was the upcoming ISSUP Workshop which will take place in December 2018. The 4th ISSUP workshop will take place in Nairobi, Kenya and have partnered with  with the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) in Kenya and the African Union

The workshop offers access to training, information and research to those involved in the substance use prevention and treatment field. Registration for the event will be opening soon with the varied topics announced. We look forward to seeing everyone there are receiving new registrations.