Scientific article
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Su, J. , Kuo, S. I., Aliev, F. , Guy, M. C., Derlan, C. L., Edenberg, H. J., Nurnberger, J. I., Kramer, J. R., Bucholz, K. K., Salvatore, J. E. and Dick, D. M. (2018), Influence of Parental Alcohol Dependence Symptoms and Parenting on Adolescent Risky Drinking and Conduct Problems: A Family Systems Perspective. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. doi:10.1111/acer.13827
Original Language


parental drinking
alcohol dependence
risking drinking
adolescent drinking

Influence of Parental Alcohol Dependence on Parenting and Risking Drinking

A study published in the journal of Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research explores the association between parental alcohol problems and subsequent risky drinking and behavioural issues in adolescents. 

The study utilised a sample of 1,282 adolescents aged 12-17 and their parents from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism coordinated by the National institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). 

The study found a stronger association with a father's alcohol dependence and risk drinking behaviour in adolescent children than the association with a mother's alcohol dependence.