Risk factors influencing the relapse of licit and illicit drug use in adolescents treated at the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

Scientific article
Published by / Citation
Blanco-Álvarez, T., & Jiménez-Morales, S. (2015). Factores de riesgo que influyen en la recaída de consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas en adolescentes atendidos en el Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia (IAFA). Revista costarricense de psicología, 34(2), 147-157.
Original Language


Costa Rica
factores de riesgo

Risk factors influencing the relapse of licit and illicit drug use in adolescents treated at the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence


The aim of this research was to determine the risk factors associated with drug relapses in adolescents who have received treatment at the IAFA. Methodology: Quantitative study, with correlational and cross-sectional scope. Instruments: Relapse Interview for Users of Addictive Behaviors, Inventory of Precipitating Situations of Relapses, Attentional Control Scale, Coping Skills Inventory, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Social Support Received, Scale of Difficulties in Emotional Regulation, and Brief Situational Confidence Questionnaire. Sample: 107 adolescents receiving outpatient care at the Juvenile Center of the Institute of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. Conclusions: intrapersonal variables such as emotional regulation (goal-directed behaviors), attentional control (focused attention), negative emotional states and search for positive sensations are determining risk factors in drug use relapses.