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Majed Alloush, Diego Fernando Riofrío Jaramillo, Ioan Dan Gheorghita, Diana Sonia Astocondor Fuertes, Samuel Bettiol
Original Language


Educational Prevention, Day 3, Track 1, 09:00-10:30

Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 14th May, 2022


  • Role of Civil Society Institutions In Prevention Of Drugs And Psychotropic Substances During COVID-19 Pandemic - Majed Alloush
  • Preventive Intervention program for the consumption of psychoactive substances of a selective nature for university students incorporated in the curriculum of all careers - Diego Fernando Riofrío Jaramillo and Ioan Dan Gheorghita
  • Integrating Prevention of the Use of Psychoactive Substances in the school environment and the National Basic Education Curriculum - Diana Sonia Astocondor Fuertes
  • Prevention Pilot Project - City of Campinas/Brazil - Samuel Bettiol


  • Role of Civil Society Institutions In Prevention Of Drugs And Psychotropic Substances During COVID-19 Pandemic - Majed Alloush

The study aimed to monitor the role of civil society institutions in prevention of drugs and psychotropic substances during COVID-19 pandemic, where the researcher highlighted the role o Al-Sadiq Al-Taieb Association for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Addicts as a model for the prevention and treatment of drug addiction, during the pandemic that Palestine suffered, such as other countries in the world. The study showed that drug abuse and addiction are a problem that overlaps in its events many factors that constitute and pose a danger at the level of individuals and groups, and the high increase in the number of cases destined for counseling and treatment was evident, and this in turn was a high challenge for the Al-Sadiq Al-Taieb Association and the workers of the association and this appeared through the research in terms of challenges and obstacles, and despite these challenges, the association has now been able to provide its services  during emergency situations by investing in the virtual world and its means of communication in order to adapt this to the needs of the target groups.

  • Preventive Intervention program for the consumption of psychoactive substances of a selective nature for university students incorporated in the curriculum of all careers - Diego Fernando Riofrío Jaramillo and Ioan Dan Gheorghita

The research agrees with a constant increase in the consumption of psychoactive substances in the university population due to the transition from a safe and controlled environment (secondary education system) to an environment of self-regulated freedom, the general view of low risk perception and great social tolerance to the substance use that has become normalized and generalized among young people’s consumption.

For this reason, the Ecuadorian legislation establishes that all higher education institutions, on a mandatory basis, should include in the curricula of all careers and academic programs, prevention strategies for drug use and consumption (Art.# 4 of the Law against the Consumption and micro-trafficking of drugs of Ecuador).

We have built a selective primary and preventive intervention model that has been incorporated into the universities curriculum. The studies are based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) by Ajzen (1991) with the components of the TPB (perceived behavioral control, subjective norm, attitudes and real behavioral control), as well as the self-efficacy and emotional intelligence factors to reduce the consumption of psychoactive substances with the highest incidence/use (alcohol, tobacco and marijuana) and the intention of consumption among university students.

  • Integrating Prevention of the Use of Psychoactive Substances in the school environment and the National Basic Education Curriculum - Diana Sonia Astocondor Fuertes

Develop a model School Prevention of the Use of Psychoactive Substances based in the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) integrated to the Peruvian National Basic Education Curriculum (PNBEC). 
The components of School Prevention model and management documents of the PNBEC which Peruvian schools must handle are perfectly articulated and permit to develop autonomously the School Prevention model. The component School Prevention Curriculum is related to the purposes of PNBEC and is made visible in the Institutional Educational and Institutional Curriculum Projects through the integration between programs and curricular areas like Personal development, Citizenship and Civic with Lions Quest´s Service-Learning, and to mentorship with Unplugged prevention curriculum. Likewise, the component Prevention Policies with the Internal Regulation of the schools; and the component School Climate with Annual Work Plan and School Connivence. Due the pandemic, prevention had to move at home, for that Lions Quest´s Family Connection has been implemented remotely at student’s homes to build a good climate at home resembling the positive school climate.

Successful implementation is achieved autonomously when each activity is articulated and planned and is known to the educational community, which facilitates its implementation and the involvement of all its members fulfilling the UNODC quality standards for prevention.

  • Prevention Pilot Project - City of Campinas/Brazil - Samuel Bettiol

These actions to prevent the use of alcohol and other drugs are based on scientific evidence. In this way, we will be measuring the current situation and measuring it before the beginning and at the end of the work, thus being able to demonstrate the results.

These results will give rise to a publication of a scientific nature that should become a very important reference in the elaboration of more realistic and efficient municipal public policies regarding prevention.

Use a methodology supported by 3 axes:

  1. Research
  2. Capabilities/Trainings
  3. Communication