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Daniel Ikenna Molobe
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Irregular Migration and Drug Trafficking: Assessing the Prevalence among Identified Female Migrant Returnees in Nigeria - Daniel Ikenna Molobe, Day 4, 15:30-16:57

Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May, 2022


  • Irregular Migration and Drug Trafficking: Assessing the Prevalence among Identified Female Migrant Returnees in Nigeria - Daniel Ikenna Molobe


  • Irregular Migration and Drug Trafficking: Assessing the Prevalence among Identified Female Migrant Returnees in Nigeria - Daniel Ikenna Molobe 

Background: The objective of this study is to assess for prevalence of drug trafficking among female Nigerian returned migrants from Libyan detention centers in the transit or destination along the Mediterranean irregular migratory route.

Method: Population of study comprised a total sample size of 382 (144 females and 238 males) migrant returnees. Respondents’ recruitment employed the use of snowballing technique. Data was collected with interviewer administered questionnaire, and supplemented through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and case study.

Result: This result was interested in the female respondents among the population of study. 58.6% in the female population were trafficked for prostitution. Among female respondents, 4% were engaged in drug trafficking. 1% of total married female returnees engaged in drug trafficking, and not less than 4% of the total female returnees that engaged in drug trafficking are separated with their spouses. 12% of the females from the total respondents that trafficked drugs had previous experience. Pregnant women were also used for trafficking of drugs along the irregular migratory route.

Conclusion: The study discovered that irregular migrants get into drug business majorly to raise money for survival while some were forced in to the business, and women remain vulnerable.

Learning objectives
  1. To understand the prevalence of drug trafficking among female migrants
  2. To investigate the nature of illicit trafficking among the female irregular migrants.