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Jacqueline A. Anundo

Effectiveness of Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour on Relapse Prevention Across Socio-Demographic Patterns of Participants: Insights from Kenya - Jacqueline A. Anundo, Day 5, 11:00-12:31

Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 16th May, 2022


  • Effectiveness of Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour on Relapse Prevention Across Socio-Demographic Patterns of Participants: Insights from Kenya - Jacqueline A. Anundo


  • Effectiveness of Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour on Relapse Prevention Across Socio-Demographic Patterns of Participants: Insights from Kenya - Jacqueline A. Anundo

Effectiveness of mindfulness cognitive interventions such as MCBT on relapse prevention has been demonstrated in studies. However, their variations across sociodemographic patterns of patients have not been examined in the developing world. An understanding of the impact of these factors on relapse rates can be instrumental in developing targeted rehabilitation programs that can achieve better outcomes. The objective was to examined effectiveness of MCBT on relapse prevention across socio-demographic patterns of participants. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design targeting 6 accredited rehabilitation centers in Kenya that were designated as control for Treatment as Usual (TAU) and experimental (MCBT) groups. Independent t- test was carried out. Participants administered MCBT had significantly better control over relapse predictors compared to those who had participated in TAU evidenced by comparatively lower means of MCBT to TAU. Significant variations were also observed across socio-demographic patterns of participants. Recommendation, that TAU counsellors be trained on MCBT to apply strategies of the latter in their programs as it addresses underlying, anxiety issues, leading to better outcomes.

Keywords: Mindfulness cognitive behaviour therapy, TAU, Relapse prevention, Socio-demographic patterns, Quasi-experimental design

Learning objectives

The main objective was to examine the effectiveness of MCBT on relapse prevention across socio-demographic patterns of participants in six selected rehabilitation centers in Nairobi and Kajiado Counties in Kenya.