Elisa Rubini is a consultant with the Institutional Strengthening Unit at the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Commission of the Organization of the American States (ES-CICAD/OAS).
She is the lead author of the Case Care Management (CCM) curriculum and coordinates international initiatives on CCM and Alternatives to Incarceration with a focus on social integration for justice-involved individuals who have substance use disorders.
Ms. Rubini has over 15 years of experience working globally with international and civil society organizations related to drug policy, alternatives to incarceration, recovery, and social integration. Ms. Rubini holds a Master in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Milan, a Master’s in International Relations from the Vienna Diplomatic Academy and the University of Vienna, and an Executive International Master in Communications and Strategies of Intervention in Drug Addiction, Prevention, Enforcement and Social Integration from IULM University of Milan.