Iqbal Masud

Iqbal Masud

Mr. Iqbal Masud is working more than two decades on drug addiction prevention and treatment program. He is heading the Health and WASH Sector as Director of Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM). His main responsibilities are implementing health-related projects, conduct study/ research, providing technical support in hospital management, staff capacity development, operating drug treatment and rehabilitation centers, and ensuring the quality of health services since February 1998. Currently he is overseeing three Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers for male and one similar center for female. Mr. Iqbal is a Global Master Trainer for Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) and Child Intervention for Living Drug-Free (CHILD) Curriculum of Colombo Plan. He contributing for professionalizing substance use treatment practitioners through trainings and credentialing program in Bangladesh. He was a member of the national law review committee for the drug dependence prevention, treatment and rehabilitation act of 2021 and minimum standard guideline development committee formed by Narcotics Control Department.