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United States

Importance of Working with the Holy See and Other Faith-Based Groups

U.S. Embassy to the Holy See (Vatican) announcement:

U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Intl Narcotics & Law Enforcement (INL) Division Director for Counternarcotics Brian Morales is attending a Vatican conference this week on drug addiction and prevention. He spoke to us about the importance of working with the Holy See and other faith-based groups on this critical issue.

Beyond any doubt Sir Brian Morales has been playing an instrumental role in the field of Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) around the globe. This is not only about the DDR, but his contribution in inspiring the UPC, UTC professionals and youth around the globe and getting them trained in this field. We are always indebted to Brian Morales for your encouragement, guidance and support. We are indeed proud to have been working with you, and contributing our small part to make our common goals accomplished .@ISSUP - International Society of Substance Use Professionals U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Intl Narcotics & Law Enforcement (INL)
