Implementing low-barrier model of care to improving access to drug treatment services in Nigeria


1.Dr. Chia Francis (⚑ Nigeria) 1

1. National Drug Law Enforcement Agency



Despite robust evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs), less than 10 percent of people who needs treatment have non-stop access to treatment services. For instance, WHO ATLAS survey on resources for the treatment of SUDs (2008) revealed that, availability of treatment services for SUDs in Nigeria was less than 10% of the population. Thus, most people who could benefit from drug treatment do not receive it due to systemic barriers and other access issues. Implementing low-barrier model of care therefore is key to addressing these challenges.


To examine the perceptions of addiction professionals in drug treatment settings and people in recovery vis-à-vis the provision of drug treatment services aimed at enhancing accessibility.


This study included 12 addiction professionals and 35 people in recovery drawn from 4 drug treatment centers in Nigeria. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from participants and analyzed thematically.


Results were analyzed based on four identified themes. The first theme, accessibility and availability identified need for treatment services in Primary Health Care (PHC) centers for easy accessibility. Participants also expressed need for the availability of telehealth services. Providing comprehensive care services was the second theme. Here, need for addressing multifaceted needs of individuals with SUDs using a combination of medical, behavioral and social services was emphasized. Third theme was flexibility and participants expressed need to relax predetermined treatment conditions such as treatment goal (usually total abstinence), duration of treatment, etc. Fourth theme was quality and quantity of staff and participants decried shortage of staff as well as their poor provision of services.


Implementing low-barrier model of care can create an accessible and patient-centered environment for individuals with SUDs thereby addressing the challenges of treatment barriers and related issues.

Keywords: Improving, Access, Drug treatment, Low-barrier Care