ISAM 2024 Congress - September 2024

The Addiction Psychiatry Foundation of Türkiye (BPV) is proud to co-host the ISAM 2024 Congress. This significant event, titled 'Building Bridges; Addiction and Recovery' is taking place Istanbul,Türkiye between September 5th-8th, 2024.

Istanbul has always been a city of historic importance due to its unique location, connecting Asia and Europe and fostering cultural exchange. Although it has witnessed many different civilizations throughout history, its role as a bridge between people and cultures has remained unchanged. When the ISAM was founded, the idea was to bring together medical professionals working in the field of addiction under one roof. Since then, the Society has served as a global haven for professional advancement and information exchange. Now, by welding Istanbul’s cultural background with ISAM’s mission, the ISAM 2024 Congress will play a crucial role in creating a space to discuss the state-of-the-art understanding of addiction and to paving the way for recovery.

The scientific program will feature presentations by prominent speakers, as well as seminars, workshops, oral presentations, and poster sessions. While the main lectures will be delivered in English, simultaneous interpretation in Turkish will also be provided.

BPV are excited to organise a congress that seamlessly blends Istanbul’s rich cultural heritage, breathtaking geography, and renowned hospitality with the global exchange of knowledge in the field of addiction. This congress offers a unique opportunity to connect with experts and colleagues from around the world, all while experiencing the beauty of Istanbul.

Those attending the congress from ISSUP are Joanna Travis-Roberts, Goodman Sibeko, Hala Najm & Kirsty Fitzpatrick.

We look forward to seeing you there!