Original Language


United States
therapeutic alliance
counsellor-patient relationships
alcohol abuse

Treating Alcohol Addiction with Positive Relationships

A ‘therapeutic alliance’, or in other words, a positive and trusting relationship between counsellor and patient, could be the key to successful treatment of alcohol addiction, according to a new study. Patients who reported a more positive relationship with their counsellor consumed fewer drinks and indulged in fewer days of heavy drinking between counselling sessions than those whose relationship was less positive.

The lead author of the study claims that further research into what factors contribute to strong therapeutic alliances during treatment for alcohol addiction is warranted. The orthodox view regarding most effective processes for treating alcohol addiction suggests that counsellors should confront their patients about their consumption and behaviours. This new finding, however, indicates that the opposite may, in fact, be true showing that more positive relationships yield better outcomes.

Click here to read more on the University of Buffalo’s News Centre webpage.