Published by / Citation
Alcohol Family Alliance
alcohol harms
alcohol harm to others

Families First

The misuse of alcohol can have serious, and detrimental, effects on the health and wellbeing of children and families. Alcohol and Families Alliance believe current policy does not sufficiently protect family members. The aim of AHA is to reduce the harms experienced by children and families affected by alcohol use.

Families First sets out the key policy positions of the Alcohol and Families Alliance. 

The publication provides detailed descriptions, facts and figures on the levels of alcohol consumption, the experience of children, different forms of harm to families, and the current strategies in place.

The report then offers advice and guidance on identifying and supporting families using evidence-based methods.

It recognises the importance of protecting the wellbeing of carers who play a vital role in treatment and recovery.

Finally the report specifically addresses parents, offering information on drinking and parenting, pregnancy, and concerns about children's alcohol consumption.

Families First is a valuable resource for health practitioners, teachers, social workers, parents or any professional working with families.