Scientific article
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Partner Organisation
United States
clinical outcomes
contingency management
dissemination and implementation
therapy training

Quality of Behavioural Drug Treatment Implementation Dictates its Success

Contingency management (CM) is a widely used behavioural therapy for substance use disorders. It offers material rewards for attending sessions and adhering to prescribed medication courses, amongst other positive behaviours.

A study recently published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment examines the link between practitioner capability to deliver the intended CM programme and session outcomes.

It found that practitioners’ capability strongly correlated with clients’ outcomes. In other words, the better skilled a practitioner is, the more likely it is that CM treatments will be effective.  

This appears to validate CM initiatives when carried out in the correct way and, therefore, may be used to inform the design and delivery of CM training curricula for the addiction workforce.

Click here to read more in Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.