Scientific article
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Leightley, Daniel, Jo-Anne Puddephatt, Laura Goodwin, Roberto Rona, and Nicola T. Fear. "InDEx: Open Source iOS and Android Software for Self-Reporting and Monitoring of Alcohol Consumption." Journal of open research software 6 (2018).
mental health
armed forces

Alcohol Misuse in the Armed Forces

Alcohol misuse in the UK armed forces is more than double than that of the general population, yet many of those who drink at harmful levels do not seek help. Preliminary research has shown how effective digital technologies can be used as a health intervention.

In a research project titled ‘Information about Drinking in Ex-serving personnel’ (InDEx), researchers and professionals from the University of Liverpool, King’s College London, Alcohol Research UK and Royal British Legion joined together to developed an app, to help people monitor and manage their alcohol consumption.