New Networks Feature - Sign up to receive weekly updates!

Networks are online defined interest groups that allow health care professionals, researchers, practitioners and others working in the drug demand reduction field to share research, events, news, success stories, resources and information relevant to the substance use prevention, treatment and recovery field in a virtual setting.

How do I use them?                                                                               

  • To join a network, and contribute towards the information within the network and view your private networks you must be logged in.
  • You will see a list of networks that have already been created.cannabis network Have a browse and see if any of them are on subjects you are interested in, and if so join in!
  • You will then be able to start new discussions, and add research, resources, images or events using the purple buttons at the left-hand side of the page.
  • To view what other people have contributed or search within the network use the links along the top.
  • If you have a particular interest or subject that you feel is not covered by the current networks create a new network
  • If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info [at] issup [dot] net (info[at]issup[dot]net)!

Choose to receive a weekly update

To receive a weekly email update of the events, resources, research and discussions that have been added to the network purple cognetworks you have joined, click the purple cog to set your preferences. 

We hand it over to you! We hope that you will find, create and use networks to collaborate with other ISSUP members and establish new connections.