Unplugged Newsletter

The European Drug Addiction Prevention trial team (EU-Dap) have put together their first 'Unplugged' newsletter!

The aim of the EU-Dap project is to contribute to the evidence concerning the effectiveness of drug prevention programs. Part of the teams work has involved designing and evaluating the "Unplugged" curriculum for youth between the ages of 12 and 14. 

The Unplugged Newsletter offers an update on the progress and results of Unplugged in Nigeria, and discusses proposed mechanisms that explain the effectiveness of the intervention. Implementation has not always been smooth, and the newsletter describes issues that the programme has come up against as well as ways that these problems might be resolved in the future.

The first issue of the newsletter also features information on UNODC's Live Up Live Up: Prevention Through Sport- a universal prevention programme for 13-18 year olds who are at risk of becoming involved in crime, violence or drug related behaviour.

Finally the newsletter highlights the EUSPR meeting that will take place 16th-18th September in Ghent!