Criminal justice system
Drug Demand Reduction

Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Training for the Philippine Criminal Justice System

The UNODC Mentor from Indonesia participated as a trainer at the workshop organized by Colombo Plan on The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) for the Philippine Criminal Justice System. It was inaugurated with the generous support of the Bureau of International Narcotics Affairs (INL), US Embassy, Manila on 22 April 2019.

A total of 53 participants from the Philippines Drug Enforcers Agency (PDEA), Philippines National Police (PNP) and Academy, participated in this important workshop. The training aimed at strengthening drug demand reduction initiatives in the Philippines by enhancing the understanding of the multifactorial nature of substance use disorders and the need for evidence-based treatment and care.

As a reflection of the good partnership and collaboration between UNODC, Colombo Plan, INL and the Member States, the workshop was opened by Brandon Hudspeth, INL Director US Embassy for the Philippines; Dr Benjamin Reyes, Permanent Board Member, Dangerous Drugs Board; Director Derrick Arnold Carreon, Chief of PIO, PDEA; Police Coronel Romy Palgue; and Veronica Felipe, Drug Advisory Programme (DAP), Colombo Plan Senior Advisor.