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drug use disorders
evidence-based practice

UNODC Training for LAO PDR Policymakers on the Nature, Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders

Policymakers and national stakeholders from relevant sectors at UNODC's training on the Nature, Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders

More than 27 Laotian policymakers from the Narcotic Control and Supervision Bureau, Vientiane Narcotic Control and Supervision Bureau, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Security, Civil Society Organisations, treatment centres and other entities, participated in a three-day workshop on creating humane, effective and evidence-based drug use prevention and drug dependence treatment and care services.

This training was held from 17 – 19 June 2019 in Vientiane, Lao PDR and was co-chaired by Lao National Commission for Drug Control and Supervision (LCDC) ( Pol. Lt. Col. Mr.  Onphiew Khonviengthong Director of LCDC) and Mr. Erlend Audunson Falch, UNODC Country Manager and O.i.C.

With the involvement and active participation of public governmental institutions, treatment centres, civil society organizations and prevention and health professionals, this UNODC policymakers training promotes a systematic, intersectoral and multidisciplinary solution in building a health-and human-rights-oriented response to the problem of drugs and to reduce the burden caused by associated health and social consequences.

Moreover, this initiative is all the more crucial in the follow up on the United Nations Special Session on World Drug Problem 2016 (UNGASS) and to progress Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3, 5, 8, 10, 16.