Drunkorexia: A Dangerous Trend Among British Teens

‘Drunkorexia’ is becoming increasingly popular among young people in the UK. This new phenomenon describes the risky practice of avoiding food in order to be able to drink more. The practice has been particularly popular among young females who are conscious about their calorie intake before a night out. However, a recent health report has found that it's becoming also more common among teenage boys with 43% of male students and 35% of female students aged 18-24 participating in ‘drunkorexia’. 

The report also sheds light on young people's awareness of healthy lifestyles and a balanced diet. The report's findings suggest that "the public is in denial about how much they think they know about healthy eating, they claim to be near-experts, but when drilling down to real-life examples, the vast majority of respondents failed to choose the right answer to simple diet-related questions, or the healthier option when offered the choice between everyday food and drinks.”

Access the Health Report to find out more about young people's healthy living knowledge and practices