Evidence in Action: CCSA Annual Report, 2018-2019

In 2018–2019, CCSA worked with partners across Canada and internationally to gather and share the newest, best practices and advice on substance use to drive action where it matters for Canadians — tackling stigma, informing cannabis policy, addressing the opioid crisis, calculating the costs of substance use and more.

CCSA has streamlined its annual report to illustrate the impact they have made with our work. Evidence in Action, our annual report for 2018–2019, emphasizes key results and achievements by the Centre in the last fiscal year.

Highlights include:   

  • Hosting the Stigma Ends with Me workshops and leading additional initiatives as part of our continuing work to end stigma; 
  • Working as part of Canada’s Opioid Response Team to reduce harms to Canadians;
  • Providing public education on cannabis as it became legalized within Canada; and
  • Producing a groundbreaking study on the costs of substance use to Canada’s economy.

The CEO describes the work carried out over the year:

"CCSA provides national leadership on issues of substance use and addiction. Our goal is to harness the power of evidence to generate coordinated action across Canada."