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Drug and Alcohol Findings
brief interventions
United Kingdom
dissemination and implementation

Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix Cell C1: Mandate - or Let Clinicians and Patients Decide When to Screen and Advise for Risky Drinking?

This week we focus on one section of the commentary on the matrix cell released last week which explored management’s influence on screening/brief intervention for risky drinking. A major issue facing management is whether to strongly incentivise or insist clinicians screen and advise. Given powerful enough levers, clinicians can be persuaded – but this comes at a cost, not just in resources, but in what else could have been done with the time. How far should management tip the balance towards insisting alcohol is addressed versus letting clinician and patient decide their own priorities?

To go direct to the featured section of the commentary click the link below or paste it in to your web browser address box, being sure to enter the whole address:


Drawn from one of 25 cells in the Alcohol Treatment Matrix ( mapping seminal and key research and guidance on alcohol brief interventions and treatment.

“I must admit I like the Matrix ... the database is phenomenal. I only wish that it was available in the ’80s and ’90s for my respective degrees; the hours of library time it could have saved! ... a tremendous piece of work, what a fantastic resource.”

Paul-John Griffiths, Independent Forensic Psychologist, UK


Sent by Drug and Alcohol Findings ( to alert you to site updates and recent UK-relevant evaluations and reviews of drug/alcohol interventions. Course funded by Alcohol Change UK ( Findings is also supported by the Society for the Study of Addiction and advised by the National Addiction Centre.