Scientific article
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drug use disorders
Mood Disorders
motivational interviewing

Effect of an Anxiety Management Program in Cocaine Abusers in Maracaibo, Venezuela

Molina, Desirée, José Felix Ribas Foundation, Venezuela; Lopez, Susana, Instituto Nacional del Menor, Venezuela

Anxiety and mood disorders have been described as key symptoms of the abstinence syndrome experienced by cocaine users during abstinence. High levels of anxiety in any stage of treatment can increase the odds of early drop-outs from treatment (Hubbard et al., 1997). The aim of this study was to test the effect of an anxiety management program on the levels of anxiety in cocaine abusers in treatment. The design was quasi-experimental, with a pre- and post-test. The sample (n=40) consisted of patients, both male and female, with a diagnosis of cocaine dependence who attended the outpatient treatment program in the José Felix Ribas Foundation in Maracaibo, Venezuela. The data collection technique included the Beck Anxiety Inventory. The program consisted of one session weekly for 8 weeks with relaxation techniques and dance and music therapy. The results included descriptive and inferential statistics. Demographically, the sample consisted mainly of males (80%), with a mean age of 32 and an average time in treatment of 3 months. The before-after analysis showed a statistically significant difference (t=3.521, p<0.001) after administration of the program on the anxiety levels between both groups, experimental and control. In conclusion, the application of this 8-week anxiety management program produced a significant effect between the groups and the reduction of anxiety levels in cocaine abusers in treatment.