Alcohol-free Childhood: Investigation by the Children’s Parliament

Alcohol has a constant presence in everyday lives. 

It is important that all practitioners, professionals, and policymakers are aware of this presence and the impact it has on different members of society.

One way to gather this information is through simply asking people where they are exposed to alcohol and what it means to them.

One group of people, whose voice often goes unheard, but whose lives are undoubtedly affected by alcohol, are children. 

In this video, members of the Children’s Parliament in Scotland investigate their experiences of where children see alcohol, what impact alcohol has on children, what children think about an alcohol-free childhood, and what would need to change to ensure that children are not affected by alcohol-related harm.

This consultation sits within a commitment – expressed in the Scottish Government’s Alcohol Framework 2018: Preventing Harm – to put the voices of children and young people at the heart of developing preventative measures on alcohol-related harm.

Consultation commissioned by Alcohol Focus Scotland.