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Second ISAM Webinar on COVID-19 and SUD: Recording & Materials

The International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) recognises the heightened challenges the pandemic will pose for people struggling with Substance Use Disorders. In order to address the issue, they are holding a series of webinars with partners from different parts of the world, discussing challenges and solutions regarding the current pandemic from the addiction medicine perspective. The objective of these webinars is to support colleagues in the field of addiction medicine to learn from peers who either have undergone profound changes in service delivery or are on the brink of doing so.

For those of you who weren't able to attend the second webinar, here.

ISAM are asking addiction medicine colleagues globally to help us assimilate valuable information on how services have been re-organized during and post-COVID-19 and what continuity and/or contingencies were planned as a result. They aim to publish the results of this survey in high impact peer-reviewed publications with every survey participant invited to be a co-author. To support them in their efforts click here, and complete the survey.