COVID-19 and addictive substances

COVID-19 and addictive substances

Drugs in the time of COVID-19

Mag. Geraldine González Willim, specialist in addiction at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va, USA

The low perception of risks to the use of addictive substances causes many people to ignore their adverse health effects. In particular, it is currently responsible for the complications that drug use can cause if coVID-19 is contracted.

Further studies are needed on the potential risks of the use of addictive substances in relation to COVID-19, however, there is many indications suggesting that the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, opioids and other drugs can have serious consequences. Among these consequences is the possibility of decreasing the body's defenses and complicating the respiratory system. On the other hand, people who suffer from high blood pressure, heart problems and/or have respiratory diseases are at serious health risks if they are infected with COVID-19.

People who use opioids either by prescription or recreational, may have a very vulnerable respiratory system. High doses are at risk of respiratory depression and even death. Cocaine is also a constant threat, as its use can cause various manifestations at the cardiovascular level, as well as can lead to high blood pressure. These factors seriously compromise health, even more so if you are infected with the crown virus. For cigarettes, e-cigarettes, blunts, vapers, whether tobacco, nicotine, marijuana or other ingredients are used, (or receiving secondhand smoke) they are attacking the airways, inflaming them. From this situation, an infection in the respiratory system is possible that can cause bronchitis or pneumonia and can aggravate the health if you get COVID-19. On the other hand, alcohol can interfere with the normal functioning of the immune system. People with alcoholism are exposed to respiratory pathogens and lung injury as well as cardiovascular disease.

These drugs can enhance complications if COVID-19 is contracted, so we should spare no effort in preventing the risks of this combination. This is the right time to make smart decisions and start with the right treatment to stop addictions and prevent serious consequences.