Tobacco Control Research Agenda for Africa

This call for proposals is based on the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) Research Agenda developed with collaborative support from several partners, to address gaps in tobacco control research.

CTCA supports innovative research that generates the critical evidence to drive tobacco control, bridge the knowledge gaps and narrow the space between Policy and implementation. The primary focus of CTCA is to support the implementation of the WHO- Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in Africa, which came into force in 2005.

The goal of this call for proposals is to identify and support cutting edge innovative research projects to address key knowledge gaps of the priority research themes on tobacco control in Africa as identified in the TCRA.

The findings of the research projects will contribute to building an evidence base that will specifically;

  1. Provide decision makers with up to date context specific tobacco burden status to guide development and implementation of tobacco control interventions
  2. Promote reduction of tobacco use among key populations such as youths, women, etc
  3. Unravel and catalyse uptake of the gains of alternative livelihood approaches over tobacco growing
  4. Uncover and reverse the socio-behavioral patterns of tobacco use and dependence.

Closing Date: 30th June 2020