UNODC and Ivory Coast treatment and care professionals, in Webinar for continuity of services under COVID-19

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Partner Organisation
Côte d’Ivoire
Webinar COVID-19 Côte d'Ivoire

UNODC and Ivory Coast treatment and care professionals, in Webinar for continuity of services under COVID-19

On 04 June 2020, UNODC - PTRS with the support of ISSUP and in coordination with the Interministerial Committee on Drug Fighting (CILAD) and the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene of Côte d'Ivoire, successfully supported an experiment exchange webinar on continuity of treatment and care services for people with drug-related disorders under COVID-19.

The purpose of this webinar is to prepare centres, services and community organization working with people who use drugs and drug use disorders to ensure continuity of treatment services in the context of COVID-19 and an exchange of experiences and practices among experts.

During 120 minutes, a presentation of UNODC's recommendations for services to people with drug use disorders during COVID19 was shared as experiences and information on the accommodations and reorganization of the treatment and care staff of two experts from France and Switzerland. These interventions support the accessibility of treatment and care services for people with drug use disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This support to Côte d'Ivoire, particularly to learn from pairs and other countries, which have undergone profound changes in the delivery of services, has been recognized as relevant, structuring and highly appreciated by representatives of central-level coordination institutions (Interministerial Anti-Drug Control Committee, National Alcoholism and Other Addictions Programme, National Mental Health Programme) who were present during the webinar , alongside stakeholders in centres, services and organizations that deliver benefits and services directly to people with drug use disorders and co-current disorders.

With the support of the UNODC mentor, Côte d'Ivoire's stakeholders have begun mobilizing resources to support the efforts of community centres, services and organizations to ensure continuity of treatment and care services.